On the marked paths of Saint-Jacques de Compostelle
Le Porte Bagages > Burgundy routes > On the marked paths of Saint-Jacques de Compostelle
Itinerary between wine and religious hotspot

On the marked paths of Saint-Jacques de Compostelle


Beaune-Cluny : On the pilgrim's paths

Start one of the marked paths of Saint-Jacques de Compostelle.

Departing from Beaune, Capital of Burgundy wines, with its famous Hôtel-Dieu des Hospices Civils and the Notre-Dame de Beaune collegiate church, pass through Meursault and its Saint-Nicolas Church, then Volnay, Chassagne-Montrachet and Chagny on the Beaune coasts.

Then cross the Chalonnaise coast to arrive at Cluny, one of the many highlights of the long-distance hiking trails for pilgrims to Saint-Jacques de Compostelle, with its abbey.

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